Make your voice heard. Participate in decentralized governance to ensure the IoTeX Network grows sustainably and transparently.
What is the process to create, vote on, and implement governance proposals?

IDEA + Quorum


All Stakeholders


Foundation & Devs

Delegates can post new ideas as threads on the IoTeX Forum and solicit feedback from the community, who will suggest iterations to the original idea or upvote the thread if they support the idea

Once an idea receives sufficient backing (i.e., >50 thread upvotes), the thread will be updated from “idea” to “proposal” and a network-wide vote will commence after 1 week, providing time for the proposer and supporters to campaign for the idea to the broader community

Voting Open
Voting will be performed on IoTeX Governance Portal and will be open for 1 week; anyone IoTeX stakeholder can vote on the proposal

After the voting period, the proposal will be implemented if more than 50% of voters vote “Yes”